Prairie Avenue Christian Church
Decatur, Illinois
Creation Care and Climate Change
God created the earth and deemed it good (Genesis 2:4b-9) and in Christ all things in heaven and on earth were created and are held together (Colossians 1:15-20). As followers of Christ, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves and care for God's creation. We share a common responsibility for the stewardship of God's good earth, as a matter of justice, so that it can sustain all species, peoples, and future generations.
Together, we can make a difference. We can engage others in solutions that will create healthy and safe communities for our families, leave a thriving world for future generations, and protect God's creation.
Disciples' Green Chalice ministries supports congregations with ideas and resources to walk more gently on the earth. We invite you to learn more about the Green Chalice Covenant at Prairie Avenue joined the Green Chalice program in 2018.
Since 2015, Prairie Avenue Christian Church has responded to creation care and climate change:
Replacement of our energy-inefficient boiler in the education wing building.
Replacement of all lighting fixtures in the education wing building with energy saving bulbs and fixtures.
Replacement of all single pane windows in the education wing building with energy-efficient double pane windows.
collect paper and recyclable materials as part of the City of Decatur recycling program.
Other measures and practices to be implemented:​
elimination of plastic communion cups and resuming former practice of glass cups.
elimination of disposable silverware and Styrofoam plates in fellowship hall.
Join our Green Team!
Learn more and join our partnership with Blessed Tomorrow here.