Prairie Avenue Christian Church
Decatur, Illinois
Make a Prayer Request
Submit a prayer request using our online request form or by calling the church office.
Online prayer requests are shared with our prayer team just as they are received; our prayer teams receive the requests with first names only and pray for each request for at least a week.
Prayer Before Surgery
Pastors are available to pray with you and your family before surgery, or during hospitalization. Please contact the Church office at (217) 428-3327 or by emailing our prayer team with the date, time and hospital where you will be having your surgery. Due to HIPAA regulations, the hospital will not call and inform the church of your hospitalization.
Hospitals are restricting visitors, and we are no longer able to make in-person visits.
For currently admitted patients, Pastor and prayer team members will make phone calls to congregants to offer care and support, and we will contact hospital chaplains to make visits.
For surgeries, Pastor and prayer team members will make pre-surgery phone calls the evening before the surgery.
If a patient is approaching the end of life, we will arrange a visit with the family if the facility will allow it. If the patient is at home and open to a visit, we will arrange it.
Pray for Others
Please pray for those impacted by COVID-19, who have recently lost a loved one, or who have recently experienced another life change.